Successful Service Company Executives


  • Decisions and Actions are never based on/or made on “Feelings”; they are based on pragmatic business facts, values and principles, and expectations.

  • Surrender Control to others: they are not Control “Freaks” or Control Oriented

  • The business and its people are not there to serve the Executive, punching the Executives Ticket leads to Leadership Failures

  • Egos are something they Do Not Have / Illustrate or Tolerate

  • Are Not Event or Task Oriented, they are never in “Try This/Try That” mode

  • Are Process Oriented and Effective at Developing and Maturing Processes

  • No Re-Work; They never create Re-Work; only handle something One Time

  • Are Outcomes Oriented; Manage by Results and Outcomes supported by Data not by “their Feelings”

  • Never “Marginalize” or Treat People as a Commodity:  People are not “Nanny’s” 

  • Have Pragmatic Relationships with Co-workers based on Measurement and Metrics

  • Delegate Well and Empower their People

  • Are Excellent Listeners; Comprehend and Remember What was Said

  • Are Respectful of Everyone: Mindful of Relationships & Internal Reporting Structures

  • Always Striving to Learn New Ways; Are Effective Change Agents