Attributes of Successful Service Companies


  1. Have Successfully Developed a Consistent Business/Execution Model “Franchise Effect is Illustrated by the Operating Model”

  2. Have Specialization Sectors or “Centers of Excellence”

  3. Have a Well Documented Financial Model that is Supported by Precise Measurement and Metrics Systems and are the foundation for All Financial Planning and Budgeting

  4. Incentive Compensation & Rewards are Closely Tied in Time to the Activity

  5. The Business Process(es) are the Basis of all Activities, there are No Events; No “Event Orientation by Leadership”

  6. Have “Common” Measurements / Indicators which Support Multi-functional Success including Distribution Partners and Customers

  7. Exhibits Orderly and Controlled Growth; Growth is expected and part of the Culture; Team Selling Concepts are Cultural

  8. Both Short and Long-term Forecasts are Accurate!  Measurement and Metrics accurately Forecast the P&L

  9. The Organization Illustrates Effective Leadership Principles that are not Control, Micro-Management Oriented, or “over” Analytical.

  10. Build Long-Term Relationships (Customers, Employees, Partners, and Financial Sponsors)

  11. Scalability of Cost Principles are Widely Understood and Implemented: Scalability is a Hallmark of the “Execution Model”.

  12. Application of Proprietary Technologies are a Competitive Advantage

  13. Training and Learning are Earned; Not Part of and Entitlement System

  14. The SG&A is Measured and Rewarded on Productivity Elements

  15. Scalability is a Branded Operating Element

  16. Are Process Dependent NOT People Dependent: Star Performers are those that are enabled by the Process and Culture

  17. Are Non-Bureaucratic in Nature – No Management Layers: Decision Making Occurs as Close to the Customer or Worker as Appropriate